
Who DOES that?!

Month: November, 2012


Im scheduled to graduate this December. I seriously cannot wait. I’ve already got an extremely crippling form of senioritis that is preventing me from getting any homework done. Pair my lack of enthusiasm with a new baby forming and I feel like my body shuts down.

I have a fear that I am not doing well in astronomy lab, and that grade makes up 25 percent of my Intro to Astronomy class. I totally do not think that is fair. I cannot make less than a C in this class or I cannot graduate. I have never missed a class. I did horrible on one test and that scared the crap out of me.

I would have loved to coast through this last semester with a straight A report card. Unfortunately it isn’t going to happen that way. I just have to pray that I pass all the classes with a C.


…..on a pee stick, that is.**insert trumpets** That’s right, I’m pregnant!

((exhale)) That allows me to explain my exhaustion, my nausea, the spitting, and lack of focus. I’m just so tired!

I know it’s limited time stuff, but that does not make it any easier. I have this new thing where saliva constantly builds up in my mouth. I have to carry a spit cup sometimes. Disgusting as that sounds, I keep it quiet and hidden. Well, except when I’m outdoors 🙂

I appreciate my husband for his patience and understanding. I could literally sleep all day. Sometimes I do! I sleep in the car, after class and well past the snooze button. But G is always there rubbing my back or sometimes my tummy. He holds me during the violent throw-up sessions and high-fives me after I’m done. That’s his way of saying “You’re awesome.”

He cooks for us and buys us meals if we are on the go. The odd part about that is that I can’t even eat half the time. My already keen sense of smell has heightened to insane levels and stinkiness makes me wanna vomit. He laughs when I put my hand over his mouth in the morning and utter “breath”.

I have learned: Salsa from my job makes me sick, all kinds of cranberry juices make me sick, the smell of simmering onions makes me sick, my son has morning breath, there is a weird sewage kinda smell coming from the second bathroom in my home, when I wake up from a nap I’m super nauseous, shivering from cold makes me wanna vomit and ginger does NOT help calm my stomach. (I think it’s the opposite)

I cannot wait to get past this first trimester. I look forward to getting some energy back and being able to function like normal. My husband wants me to wake up early with him and go for walks through the neighborhood. Yeah, that’s a funny thought considering I can’t get from the FA building to the Business building without breathing hard. I sure do appreciate his determination.


So very excited. I didn’t watch any of the coverage throughout the evening because it was too intense. Every hour or so, I just logged on to through my iPhone to check out the updates.After the announcement was made, I smiled and exhaled. Than I could go to sleep and not worry about waking up to any doom and gloom announcements. My husband cut on the TV and we fell asleep to various talking heads.I’m so relieved.

I am also disgusted at how disrespectful Americans have been to our president. I am sick of the racial slurs and the undertones of this campaign. Jokes and jabs such as the “don’t re-nig” stickers or the Halloween hanging Obama in Florida show that we really haven’t come that far as a country.  I know that racism will always exist. Even when the Latino population increases and Caucasians are the minority, racism will be present. Over years, it will simply evolve. And that doesn’t include the issues within specific demographics.

Blah blah blah all that being said just to yell a loud Congratulations to President and Mrs. Barack Obama and family. Blessings for us all!

Sorry son: the truth about Santa.

I told my son the truth about Santa Clause last night. He does not exist. He was showing me a picture he took sitting on the jolly mans lap during our tour of Prairie Lights last year. What bothered me about the picture is that he wanted to put his “I am Loved” pin on the picture, than pin it to his shirt. In my head I thought “WHAT! Santa Clause doesn’t love you! WE do!” So I told him I wouldn’t help him. Than I told him why.

And the funny thing is, he didn’t even care. He said “Okay.” I started to explain who the real Santa would be, and he took off behind me. I had my hands in a sink full of water and dirty dishes, so i didn’t pay much attention to what he was doing.

I told him that Santa Clause was simply the people who loved him. Santa is a combination of myself, his (step)dad, his yoyo (gramma), his paw paw, his uncle, and all the aunties and uncles.I said when they put “From Santa” on gifts, it was just because they wanted your gift to be a surprise.

Next thing I know, he is standing at my side again with a small piece of paper in his hand. He had cut himself out of the picture and wanted me to pin it. How cute is this. He doesn’t care anything about Santa, (he just wants gifts).

My son is awesome. Glad that was painless.